As I Hoped, A Personal Perspective

Thankfully, the interview answers I was most anticipating have arrived in my inbox. This whole project was conceived as a way to honor my friend Sam. Her story is by far not unique; but she was the first person I knew who went through it. Combine the tragedy of her story with her age at…… Continue reading As I Hoped, A Personal Perspective

A little less action, a little more conversation…

After being postponed by a few weeks for scheduling conflicts, I’m finally getting ready to sit down on Thursday with the interviewee I first mentioned two months ago. Out of all of the people I’ve talked with, he is actually the only one who re-enlisted. After finishing his time in Iraq, he spend time in the…… Continue reading A little less action, a little more conversation…

Seeing Something for the First Time

 One of the sources I’ve been using during my research is a book entitled On Looking, by Alexandra Horowitz. In it, Ms. Horowitz goes on “lookings” with several experts of different fields (“expert” being a broad term; they can be anyone from a Ph.D. to a bright-eyed child) in order to learn new ways to look at…… Continue reading Seeing Something for the First Time

A Personal Perspective, Hopefully.

As I stated in my proposal entry, the original inspiration for this project was the untimely death of my friend Sam. I’ll never forget the night it happened. I had fallen asleep on my  couch, and I got a text from her phone number well after midnight. It was from her girlfriend, telling me what…… Continue reading A Personal Perspective, Hopefully.

Well, I certainly learned a lot.

My interview with Dr. Deane Aikins was, to say the least, enlightening. A noted expert in his field, Dr. Aikins was once called by the Pentagon to testify via telephone before a Congressional subcomittee regarding homicidality in PTSD patients. If he was considered expert enough to be called before Congress, he’s certainly good enough for…… Continue reading Well, I certainly learned a lot.